I got a... I got a...
Probabil v-ati saturat ca postez doar despre filme si muzica, dar nu ma pot abtine mwahahaha...azi dupa ce am vazut Easy A (Comedie, 2010) mi-a ramas melodia asta in minte si trebuia sa o pun la loc de cinste cu celelalte - adica acilea.
Peste ani am sa ma distrez cand o sa reascult cantecelele "pescuite" din filme.
Dar na dupa o seara de chef (se stie daca nu e vineri atunci sambata clar e Oldies) si dupa ce am dormit mai mult decat trebuia si inca mai incape ce sa fac si eu fredonez ca micutza din film...
"I got a pocket,
Got a pocket full of sunshine
I got a love and I know that its all mine
Oh, woah
Do what you want,
But your never gonna break me,
Sticks and stone are never gonna shake me
I got a pocket,
Got a pocket full of sunshine
I got a love and I know that its all mine
oh, woah"
Got a pocket full of sunshine
I got a love and I know that its all mine
Oh, woah
Do what you want,
But your never gonna break me,
Sticks and stone are never gonna shake me
I got a pocket,
Got a pocket full of sunshine
I got a love and I know that its all mine
oh, woah"
- by Natasha Bedingfield - "Pocket full of sunshine"
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