De prin filme adunate

Dupa cum spuneam in septembrie incep serialele, timp sa fie ca are balta peste.
In ordinea preferintelor mele nu filme, nu seriale ci melodii din seriale/ unu la numar pana acum ca stau prost cu timpul.

1. Ron Pope - "A drop in the Ocean"

"Misplaced trust and old friends
Never counting regrets
By the grace of God I do not rest at all
In new England as the leaves change
The last excuse that I'll claim, 
I was a boy who loved a women like a little girl."

2. Andrew Belle - "Make it without you"

"oh i'll make it without you
and though my bodies laying here
it's my mouth that must be lying now."

3. Ingrid Michaelson - "Are we there yet"

from S03.Ep1 - The Vampire Diaries.


  1. inseamna ca n-ai vazut PROM ca pe melodia asta ai ratat-o, si e faina de numa :X

  2. imi mai scapa si mie una/alta, dar merci, ascultat si placut tare. :* Cand te mai uiti la filme de-astea call me. :)


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